Emilia Elfvik

Images Knocking on Your Door

12 January - 5 March 2023


Throughout 2023, curator Kari Skippervold presents the exhibition series Images Knocking on Your Door in Format’s project room. The series consists of six open-call-based exhibitions featuring seven artists.

In Images Knocking on Your Door Emilia Elfvik presents sculptural work that is a result of an exploration of three-dimensional weaving. Through the layering of paper and flax in the basic form of a rectangle, she stacks, twists, folds and merges the elementary form to investigate properties of buoyancy, moldability and visual expression.

Elfvik works in an open-ended and materially-rooted process consisting of a continuous line of experiments, with the aim to create opportunities to be informed by the material with which she works. In her sculptural work she often explores how a multitude of threads can become structural, standing shapes, working with tension and release, with and against gravity. .

The work shown is fabricated on the Multi Weave tool created by Kadi Pajupuu, professor at Pallas University of Applied Sciences.

Emilia Elfvik (b.1991) is a process and material-based textile artist that lives and works in Gothenburg, Sweden. Elfvik has a MFA in Applied Arts and Design at HDK-Valand Steneby and an BFA in Fashion Design at the Swedish School of Textiles. She has participated in exhibitions for the past four years and her work Pushing Embroidery was selected as a winning work at Young Swedish Design 2020. This is her first exhibition in Norway.