Caroline Slotte (b. 1975)

Ca­ro­li­ne Slot­te is cur­rent­ly Pro­fes­sor of Ce­ra­mic Art at Oslo Na­tio­nal Aca­de­my of the Arts, Nor­way. Slot­te holds an MA in Ce­ra­mics from Ber­gen Aca­de­my of Art and De­sign, Nor­way, in ad­dition to edu­ca­tion from Den­mark and Fin­land. From 2007 to 2011 Slot­te was a re­se­arch fel­low in the Nor­we­gi­an Ar­ti­s­tic Re­se­arch Fel­low­ship Pro­gram­me. Af­fi­li­a­ted with Ber­gen Aca­de­my of Art and De­sign, Dept of Spec­ia­lized Art, she was also a mem­ber of the in­ter­disci­pli­na­ry re­se­arch pro­ject Crea­ting Art Va­lue, fun­ded by the Re­se­arch Coun­cil of Nor­way. Slot­te´s works have been ex­hi­bited in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly and acqui­red by, among ot­hers, the Mu­se­um of Arts and De­sign in New York, the Vic­to­ria & Al­bert Mu­se­um in Lon­don, Na­tio­nal­mu­se­um in Stock­holm, Röhss­ka Mu­se­um in Got­hen­burg, the De­sign Mu­se­um in Hel­sin­ki and the Mu­se­um of Deco­ra­ti­ve Arts in Oslo.

Info: oslo[at]